Do you like Piña Coladas?
Beer and Boat Drinks: they’re among the very best things that humans have ever invented. Boat drinks are either the perfect accompaniment to a lovely tropical vista or a means of transporting yourself to one after shoveling the snow off your car. Heck, even typing “Beer and Boat Drinks” just brought a little twinkle to our eye. Needless to say, we celebrate both but until recently we hadn’t considered that the two might not be mutually exclusive.
This probably sounds crazy, but what if… yep… you know where we’re going and you wanna go too: BEER WAS IN THE BOAT DRINK. Well, friends, it can be. It most definitely can be.
Our very own Brewmaster Fal spent some time dialing-in the recipes for a few concoctions that prove it.
Tropical Zinger:
- .75 oz Mango Juice
- 2 oz Tropical Hazy Sour
- 6 oz Champagne
Holy Negroni Fizz
- 1 oz Campari
- 1.25 oz Sweet Vermouth
- 2 oz Gin of choice
- 6 oz Holy Gose
The Volcano:
- 1 oz coffee liqueur
- 1 oz dark rum
- 6 oz Salted Caramel Porter
- 2 oz Huge Arker
- 1 oz Irish cream on top, followed by light float of 151 rum